📸 Pictures of end result

Add images or videos showing the final version of your prototype in its entirety after assembly of the 2D and 3D parts

Case closed

Case closed

Case opened

Case opened

🔎 Details

Add images showing the details of the final version of your prototype, showing close-ups of the different functions and assemblies.

3D printed closing system

3D printed closing system

Cutting to add flexibility

Cutting to add flexibility

Assembly of the wooden parts with the tenon joints

Assembly of the wooden parts with the tenon joints

Hooking part allowing to maintain the 3D printed part on the plywood

Hooking part allowing to maintain the 3D printed part on the plywood

📝 Remarks

The 3D printed part was added during the gluing of the wooden parts. For best results, the wooden parts should be sanded after gluing them together to avoid glue marks.

⚖️ Licence


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike | CC BY-NC-SA

This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.